Today i had a bunch of running around. Allan left last night for a rig and wont be back till maybe tomorrow if he comes home this weekend. Allan did take an hour the last two days to go shoot in the hole in one contest at the golf course. It's a booster for the local high school. Anyway the top ten of each day that get closest to the hole get prizes. Allan qualified both days. He got 7th place on tuesday and 3rd place for yesterday. He won a 3 month membership to the YMCA and a work horse for 7th place then today he got a huge shop vac. I'm notsure how big it really is but it was heavy carrying it to the car. I had to pick up his prizes since he isn't home.
He also gets 2 shtos to win a truck but they take the closest to the pin that day. I think the top 6 people and let them shoot for a million dollars. lol They have to get a hole in one though. Allan may or may not even be here to take his shots at the hole. He goes out of town alot these days. I hope he is. It would be fun to watch. Talk about the time to get a hole in one.. lol
I went to the college today and priced my books for this semester. YEPPPP 800.00 bucks just for the books. YUCK!!! I have store credit for selling back my other books. IT's only 160.00 though. ON top of the books i still have to pay the tuition which i think is going to be around 700. I have to also buy a couple more scrub tops, a lab coat, oh a lab kit that is 120.00 and... hmm i can't think.. oh yeah i have to get a physical and pay for some shots. fun stuff huh? I hate pooring out money but I guess if i graduate a nurse it will be worth it. I'll mak e all the money back eventually right... lol.. I bought a stethoscope, googles, pen light, and a pocket organizer thing to keep all of that in, that was only 30 bucks. I did buy two more pairs of scrub bottoms and that was 50 dollars. OH it just keeps adding up. Okay i'm done talking about it. I just hate spending money even if this is a good thing to be spending it on.
Tonight is a concert in the park. I'm not sure if we are going or not. I'm a little tired from running all around town. I need to take a nap while lilly is but it's hard cause it's my one quite time to do what i want to do.
I finished up my summer classes today. I don't know my grade yet. Allan got a B i think in his geography class. He put forth minimual effort though since he has been working so much and just doesn't have time.
what else.. hmm..OH I need to go get jake a birthday present. I think I'm going to get him some fall clothes. Or some warmer ones anyway. The way talks about that kid eating i'm thiking about just giving him a box of food. lol.. He'd like it better than clothes i'm sure. haha. His birthday party is August 16th i think at 11. Which works out good cause my friend Carissa is getting married that day at 6pm. So i'll have time to do both and get lilly a nap in between probably. The fair is in wheatland and it was very nice of Sandy to call and see if we wanted to go but Carissa's bridal shower is also that day. I forgot about it and carissa reminded me not so happily about it. lol.. i need to also go get her a wedding gift and bridal gift i guess. I'm still so behind in all i need to do. This getting ready for the nursing program has me running around like a chicken with my head cutt off. lol
Anyway i think i will go lay down for a few minutes to get ready for round two later today with lilly. She has had an attitude lately. She is pretty happy for the most part but she will let you know right off is something is wrong. i can't wait for her to crawl. She is sitting pretty good now. She still takes a spill or two and when she does she can't get back up to sitting on her own but at least she is sitting now. she is sitting in highchairs at restaruants and we are still working on the grocery cart in the store but she is doing it pretty good.
that's aaron on the mountain!
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