I wanted to share this bit of info with any moms out there. I'm sure most of you have seen these things but we just started using them with lilly. i have no idea what they are called but the general idea is you can out frozen fruit, fresh fruit, ice,etc in the mesh part and the baby can suck on it like a lollipop. lilly goes nuts everytime i give it to her. she loves it and i like that she can get some fresh fruit without having to worry if she will choke on it. here are the pics. I recommend this for anyone with babies learning to self feed.
I graduated Nursing school last year and started back for my BSN. Our family moved to phoenix after i graduated and so we are making a new life here. So between a new place, a new job, and raising kido's theres always a whirlwind of stuff going on in our life and you can read about it here.
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