Monday, October 4, 2010

prayer request.

so i need to ask everyone to just pray for me over the next month or two. ive been going thru some hard things lately and i havent wanted to talk about them or stress about them but i could really use some extra prayers if you have any to spare. im going to be fine in the end im sure its just getting to the end of this long drawn out battle thats the hard part. im still not really ready to talk about whats going on so please dont post or call with a million qustions. i promise im finejust need some extra prayers and you can pray in anyway you feel lead cause god knows what each and everyone of us is going thru every moment of the day and im finding that comforting. thank you all for your support and prayers. ill post about it when i can.


The Thorsrud Family said...


Anonymous said...

Praying for guidance, comfort, peace and the answers to questions. Sarah, we are here for you, hugs and love going your way. Love, MOM