Yesterday about 4pm when allan was getting off work he called and said eh needed to go to urgent care cause he had got something in his eye. I didn't think it was a good idea for him to drive himself so i drove across town and picked him up and decided that it was serious enough that we should go to the hospital. I'm not knocking the urgent care place. They are great for some things... I just don't trust them with my husbands eyeball. So we went to the new hospital in town where i had done some clinical time. It was fantastic. We were in and out of there within an hour. If any of you have been to a hospital ER lately you will know that it is not usually like that. They took great care of him and they let me in on all the procedures they were doing, the doctor even said if he found something in his eye he would let me help remove it. lol.. They looked in his eye after they put in dye and he had a small abrasion and some debri in it. So he got to have it flushed out. They hooked up this crazy flushing contraption. It looked like a normal bag of iv fluid but the end of it went into his eye. It had like a contact part on the end that the water came out of. It was pretty neat. I took a picture.
Allan was sent home on pain killers and eye antibiotics. He took two of them last night he was complaining of so much pain and they knocked him right out. So he slept pretty good and this morning he is saying it's not nearly as bad. I have to go wake him back up cause he is taking lilly to breakfast. IT's not the best way to get a weekend off but we will take it.. lol He has been called out of town for about the last 4 or 5 weekends i think so I'm happy to have him home. ;-)
That eye ball thing just completely freaks me out. ick. Glad Allan is feeling better! Enjoy your time off, as a family. :o)
Allan should walk around with a caution sign LOL That eye thing looks disgusting! I could never be a nurse I would throw up all over the patient LOL Hope he is feeling better!
Glad Allan is doing better, that Lilly is healthy again, and Sarah passed her exam and has the whole next week OFF! Enjoy your weekend! Kiss Lilly for us. Love, Grammy Sandy & Papa Wade
All I can say is eeeewww! Poor Al!
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